The Vicious Cycle
Here’s a Situation: Man hunted small animals and ate them (hunger- Basic need). Man sees a larger species wants to know (knowledge) if it would possibly taste better (convenience).
And so the rest follows…
Develops a device to help him hunt it down (Solution - Technological advancement). Cannot carry the animal back home (Problem – Convenience). Develops a device to carry it back home – palanquin (Solution - Technological advancement). Due to the ease, the large animals around the parts are depleted (Problem – Resource depletion). He sets out to scout other areas to hunt (Solution – Discovery). Finds and hunts the animal but cannot carry it back through the distance using the crude form of transport device (Problem – Convenience). Develops a better device – Cart with wheels (Solution - Technological advancement). Wheels keep breaking due to rough terrain (Problem).
= Cutting a few million years short =
Motorized Vehicle requires fuels that are harness at great extents (Solution - Technological advancement). Fuel areas deplete leaving the last left areas very precious and wars are waged on taking hold (Problem – Resource depletion).
How ever different we may look, we still what we are- Men causing problems, rectifying it, a solution that creates a problem that needs rectification and so on…
One Bloody never ending cycle of Pain leads Rectification causes Pain leads Rectification …
I wish my language were better while describing it. But my irritation is too much to be bothered.
Here’s a Situation: Man hunted small animals and ate them (hunger- Basic need). Man sees a larger species wants to know (knowledge) if it would possibly taste better (convenience).
And so the rest follows…
Develops a device to help him hunt it down (Solution - Technological advancement). Cannot carry the animal back home (Problem – Convenience). Develops a device to carry it back home – palanquin (Solution - Technological advancement). Due to the ease, the large animals around the parts are depleted (Problem – Resource depletion). He sets out to scout other areas to hunt (Solution – Discovery). Finds and hunts the animal but cannot carry it back through the distance using the crude form of transport device (Problem – Convenience). Develops a better device – Cart with wheels (Solution - Technological advancement). Wheels keep breaking due to rough terrain (Problem).
= Cutting a few million years short =
Motorized Vehicle requires fuels that are harness at great extents (Solution - Technological advancement). Fuel areas deplete leaving the last left areas very precious and wars are waged on taking hold (Problem – Resource depletion).
How ever different we may look, we still what we are- Men causing problems, rectifying it, a solution that creates a problem that needs rectification and so on…
One Bloody never ending cycle of Pain leads Rectification causes Pain leads Rectification …
I wish my language were better while describing it. But my irritation is too much to be bothered.
u dnt have to put it any other manner. this ones good, very good infact, in conveying the message.
It makes me sad... to see the way things are going. But then who are we kkidding? u think any of us, of this "generation next" will be able to survive without pcs, and cars and acs??
Sthupit Girl, at 10:33 PM
We are already sucked in. Getting out would mean a lot of change.
I dont think anyone normal is ready for that.
~fEelix (Realisation is the Truth)
Live as it comes.
Third Eye Closed, at 4:21 AM
machaan u sound like the agent from the movie matrix - humans are a diease.They spread like virus . (i dont rem the exact words tho ) .
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