Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Vicious Cycle

Here’s a Situation: Man hunted small animals and ate them (hunger- Basic need). Man sees a larger species wants to know (knowledge) if it would possibly taste better (convenience).

And so the rest follows…
Develops a device to help him hunt it down (Solution - Technological advancement). Cannot carry the animal back home (Problem – Convenience). Develops a device to carry it back home – palanquin (Solution - Technological advancement). Due to the ease, the large animals around the parts are depleted (Problem – Resource depletion). He sets out to scout other areas to hunt (Solution – Discovery). Finds and hunts the animal but cannot carry it back through the distance using the crude form of transport device (Problem – Convenience). Develops a better device – Cart with wheels (Solution - Technological advancement). Wheels keep breaking due to rough terrain (Problem).

= Cutting a few million years short =

Motorized Vehicle requires fuels that are harness at great extents (Solution - Technological advancement). Fuel areas deplete leaving the last left areas very precious and wars are waged on taking hold (Problem – Resource depletion).

How ever different we may look, we still what we are- Men causing problems, rectifying it, a solution that creates a problem that needs rectification and so on…

One Bloody never ending cycle of Pain leads Rectification causes Pain leads Rectification …

I wish my language were better while describing it. But my irritation is too much to be bothered.


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