Monday, December 19, 2005

As I woke

Tears of joy at the very tip on every single blade of grass. The morning sunrise glistening on them, making them sparkle like the jewels they are; those that can never be bought. My heart felt light. Is this how eagles feel whent they soar high above? I swear this could have as well been called Heaven- Enora, where angels seek peace. I could not recollect what lies or death or pain was. This valley has never heard it. All that echoes through these skies were tranquility and a searing joy. I felt my heart would burst with so much of happiness. But what burst down was a tear from the corner of my eye. I could not explain what is the reason of so much elation. Infact there was nothing in particular. The beauty of the place, surely. As a cold wind passed through my entire body, I felt weak and dropped the last of my stiffness and fell to my kneel beside it. This was my conformation. I was spilling out all the pain in my mind. Easing out even the tiniest sorrow hidden deep within. This was rejuevenation. Enora wrapped her wings around me like a comforting mother. I was sobbing now. Laid on the ground and slept until dusk.In the morning, I woke up and I saw a blurred vision of a person in white smiling at me with utmost peace. Slowly I saw the doctor in front of me. He tapped my head softly and said I could go home.I closed my eyes with partial happiness from an encounter so great but with a sadness that I will never taste this ever again. There was only one thought in my head "Damnit! Morphine Rocks!!!"

PS: I was actually writing that as a part of GhostStalker's Story, then I just had this funny thought and changed the ending bit. So If you ever see it repeating somewhere. Kina ignore commenting on it :p (especially if it is going to be a bad one)

Um... Some of the ads I was working on...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

When Angels Cry

They left me no mercy. They left me no respect in humanity. What have I done to
them. Was it my fault that I was born like this. I am struggling to pull through thier
torture and still smile at them, for I no know not what is to cry. My face was made
smiling to put joy on my onlookers.
But fate it seems, my smile seems to increase thier smirk. They have destroyed my
home and now they lash out thier devices of torture at me. Stinging my body, my soul,
my spirit. I have never prayed for myself. But this one time I shall make a small
prayer before my last breath.

"Oh God, There are many of my brothers and sisters out there. Let them not even see
what I am experiencing. Keep them far in thier paradise away from the vileness
above. I pray for a day when we can all commune together, dine together. Not be

With that last prayer, I snorted my last through my blowhole. I think they cut my fin. I felt my body no more
vibrate on the trawler.

When shall peace be?


Saturday, December 03, 2005

A Land so far, an event so

I was watching the visual splendour - a display of the greatest sights. From both sides they were gusting down like two powerful winds that were about to wreak into a colossal fiasco. The fair winds on my right were with grace and at powerful speeds flowing down into the valley. On the other hand the fiery flesh of the red demons squandering, raging towards for their kill. I could not visualize my position, though I believe it was some where in the center of the chaos that was about to break open.

To one side, light was pouring and to the other, darkness was filling. I felt like I was dropping down a gorge, but still floating in the same place. My vision was getting dizzy but I could still vividly see the breath-taking image. I wanted to get away but still had an uncanny craving to stay. My head was splitting into two and at the same time they felt like they were merging to form nothingness. I felt complete blankness and there was this surge of thoughts flowing so fast that it explained everything from the reason for a tiny blade of grass to swing, to the formation of life. It was so much that it was hurting me. But there was also this eternal peace settling down every single cell in my body. Did I have a body at all? Or am I omnipresent. I felt something closing in on me.

The vision faded to the things before me, which came to place. I saw my mouse, my monitor and beside me M (my CEO).

Moral of the story: Stop Sleeping in office. You'll never know when you'll get caught.

PS: Events of the above story are completely fictitious and are not to be taken to reality or considered on my appraisal =(: p)